Visual Design
These images for an ongoing project with the North Carolina Museum of Africa American History & Culture serve as the section headers for the gallery section of the site. The site is still under-construction at the moment, but this is an exciting project to be part of. Redesign
This layout was part of a proposal for the design of the East Coast Clippers tryout info page.
Below, are the images that would serve as section headers or add more interest on the page. Though the final design has been put on hold, for now, the direction is there to pick back up when ready.
J-Eye Brewing Co.
One iteration of a logo designed for an up and coming home brewer. The goal was to make something to try and separate them from a crowded field.
Space Logo
Logo designed as part of a design challenge. I wanted to practice creating a minimal yet easily memorable mark, something that could be used at various sizes.
We’re There!
Part of the Daily UI design challenge, I designed a unique 404 page.
Landing page design. Also, part of the Daily UI design challenge. This landing page was designed to practice creating icons and using color to attract attention.
Mobile Music Player
Visual Design exploration for a mobile music player. This was designed as part of a UI Design daily challenge.
Nike e-commerce page
Designed as part of the Daily UI challenge. The goal was to create a clean experience to make a purchase easy.